Monday, March 15, 2010

Need help with a Puppy who Bites and Chews??!?

My husband and I have a 3 month old cocker spaniel (named Cocoa). She is ADORABLE and we love her to pieces, but she tries to eat everything (even though we have puppy proofed, we watch her like a hawk) and gets in these "moods" where she tries to bite us. We want to use positive reinforcement if possible ... I don't know if I like the whole "squirt bottle idea" ... but I'll take any/all HUMANE suggestions.

Just so you know: we have her on a feeding schedule (3 times a day) and we have her potty trained, she knows "sit", "stay" and "down" and we give her lots of exercise (at least 3-4 walks a day %26amp; tons of play time with us) , lots of fresh water ... and a multi vitamin from the vet. She has several favorite chew toys (they don't always distract her from our ankles and couches).

what are some of your proven tactics?? I know that in general PUPPYS CHEW/BITE ... I get that, but I don't want her to think its OK to bite us ... and now that she has most her teeth, IT HURTS! Thanks

Need help with a Puppy who Bites and Chews??!?
Squirt Bottle doesn't cause them any harm-It teaches them to stop the habbit you don't like without teaching them to be afraid of you.

If you don't want to use this-try getting a chew bone for puppies and say no firmly when the dog bites and distract it with the chew bone.

Brocolli, Carots etc,

Not Onions or Garlic as these are toxic-Garlic is found in many natural dog foods!
Reply:Buy the puppy some rawhide or even better pork chew sticks. This will give the puppy something it will find tasty to chew on that will last for hours, It will also save your furniture.
Reply:I am on my 8th dog in my life now and have raised them all from pups. I too believe in 'Humane" teaching methods and even though I hunt most of my dogs they have never and will never be subjuect to a shock collar. I know what you mean about the chewing and nipping. Puppies are by nature trying to establish dominance and testing the limits of everything including you. I have found that by lightly flicking their nose or holding their bottom jaw open after they nip reinforces the fact it is not alright to bite you and offer up something they can chew on such as a toy but keep it to some specific toy that is theirs strictly for chewing on. Be patient and consistent.
Reply:When my Neo was a puppy, he used to bite all the time (just playing of course)! I used to just lightly pop him on the nose and say NO BITE. Eventually he caught on and didn't bite.
Reply:Hello. I have chihuahuas and an English Bulldog that all loved to bite. I got this tip from a breeder friend that saw first hand how bad biting can get. She told me that EVERY time I got bit I was supposed to shove my fingers down the puppys mouth almost to the point where they gag. I thought yeah right! But she insisted that this worked and swore that it would take care of the problem. So I promised that EACH time I got bit I would do it. Sure enough by the THIRD time I shoved my fingers down their mouth they knew what would happen and it stopped. I swear it! I have since then given this tidbit to other friends and family and I havent gotten told it didnt worked. So I hope this helps!
Reply:when a puppy does something it's mother doesn't like she will growl at it, when ur tellin her off lower ur voice like a growl an say NO!!! trust me this will work after a few attempts whenever she does something you dont want her to 'growl' at her you will instantly get her attention then distract her to something nice... l have bred dogs an this does work....
Reply:I had the same experience.

Give him some predesignated toys for chewing/biting that he can be encouraged to play with.

Show him a finger and lightly tap on his nose when he bites.

You could also show him a rolled newspaper, that you can identify to him in the beginning by hitting the ground next to him and where he has bitten. The noise scares them, and in future they know just by seeing a rolled newspaper that they have been naughty.

Play with him with things he can chew/ bite. Keep him occupied. They sometimes chew at stuff out of boredom.

Give him raw hide bones. (My dog used to hide his bones and chew at the furniture instead when he was a puppy)

Be patient, and praise him and reward him when he has been good.

Good luck
Reply:i had many dogs... i was always too lay to train them so they were all bad. they peed and pood everywhere... they barked t and attacked only children and few adults...they tried to eat me if i had food or sauce on my hand... so to prevent biting you , you put on gloves or whats better is to put perfume on your hand. they dislike smell and dont bite it and if they do it taste horrible and they dont bite...strong perfume
Reply:its normal its called teething when I first got my rusty dog he bit my hair,toes,fingers,etc. I tried growling and pinching its head
Reply:I agree somewhat with grumpy, but not the gagging part. Im sure it works but this is what i do with my PitBulls. EVERYtime teeth touch you, Grab ahold of the lowere jaw, thumb under tongue and just hard enough to hold them there. No pain. The lower jaw is the only one that moves and if you hold it still they will shake and fight and hate hit. But hold the jaw, tell them "No Biting". Dont yell at them but in a firm calm voice say it. They will soon associate that teeth on skin means really uncomfortable mouth. It doesnt hurt them but rather makes them see its not worth it. My APBT is 16months and hardly ever mouths anymore, but you have to make sure anyone around your dog follows the same rules or he will learn not to do it to you but its OK with other people.

city opera

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