Thursday, March 11, 2010

Does anyone know how i can get my 6 month old puppy to stop biting besides nuetering? (spelling unsure of)?

My 6 month old puppy is still biting and he has almost all his adult teeth. I can't stand it because he thinks of me as his personal chew toy and my kids can't even play with him without getting bit unless he already has something in his mouth. please help, i am going nuts!!

Does anyone know how i can get my 6 month old puppy to stop biting besides nuetering? (spelling unsure of)?
It is normal for puppies to bite during play time and this is not any kind of aggression. They don't understand that our skin is more delicate and can't handle the bites they give out. It's up to us to teach puppy what hurts us and here are a couple good ways to convey that message to puppy:

1-When puppy nips at you, let out a high pitched "ouch" or "ow,ow,ow" in a yelp sounding tone (like a puppy would do). This is the way your puppy's litter mates let puppy know the bite was too hard. Most puppies will immediately stop biting when you do this as they realize they have hurt you now. Puppy will begin to reduce the pressue of the bite using this method and eventually stop biting all together.

2-When the puppy bites at you, gently grab the scruff of the back of his neck, shake lightly and say "No Bite". When your puppy relaxes in your scruff grip, this is a sign of submission and is what you want to happen. Then praise the puppy for the good behavior and offer a proper item to bite, such as a toy. This is the same method a mother dog uses to discipline her puppies and will get your puppies attention.

So many people expect dogs and puppies to understand us, but it's much better for us to understand their behaviors and address them in a way our dog/puppy understands. Both of these methods were suggested by our trainer and our vet and worked very well when our Border Collie was going thru the biting puppy phase.

Either way you might try, you have to be persistent in addressing each and every single bite. Allowing one to go unaddressed can confuse puppy as to what you expect.

It's usually best to address biting issues the day puppy comes home. It may take longer for you to train this behavior out with an older puppy, but don't give up.
Reply:we had the same problem with our dog when he was a puppy..thats natural for a growing puppy buy him a toy that he could bite at..
Reply:Bite inhibition is taught by "yelping" whenever your pup bites and redirected him to a toy he is allowed to chew. It takes time and persistance.
Reply:The way I had to stop my puppy from chewing on everything in the house is to be firm, and everytime he bites something or someone I had to hold his muzzle shut and look him in the eye and say NO really strong and firm, Good Luck though, it takes determination and dedication
Reply:He is biting people because he thinks he is in charge. You need to make him aware that he is low man on the totem pole. There are several simple ways to do this. When he nips flip him onto his back. This is a vulnerable position. Putting him there and holding him like that until he no longer is struggling signals to him that he is not in charge. Also, at feeding time do not let him lunge or growl over the bowl. If he is aggressive about food you must take the bowl away. All family members should take turns feeding him. Food is another good way to signal pack order. If he is fed last and his food can be taken away it will signal that he is lower in the pack than you and the kids. Also, do not let him lead the way even in the house. You should walk through doors and down stairs first because you are in charge and therefore must scout out the terrain. This may require you to walk around with a lease in the house for a bit. There are other, similar ways to assert your dominance without shouting or hitting. A good training class or book should help to point them out. As for the neutering, why don't you want to neuter him? Neutering helps to curb unwanted behavior and can protect against certain cancers and other diseases. It also means you won't have to worry about pregnancy if he gets loose or another dog gets into your yard. All pet dogs should be spayed or neutered. It is really in the best interest of the dog and makes it easier for the owner.
Reply:I have found the best way to stop a persistant biter is to bite the back of the neck and shake a bit while growling. This is exactly what the mother would do to the pup and it gets the point across very quickly. Don't bite hard enough to draw blood of course, just enough that the pup lets out a little yelp.
Reply:they make lots of chew toys for you to play with your dog with instead. try one of the knotted ropes. when you pull back and resist he thinks that you are still playing. watch the dog whisperer for very simple body language that will tell your dog you aren't playing anymore.
Reply:I have always used this to make dogs stop biting, when they bite smack them on the nose and tell them NO!! After a while they will stop b/c they dont like getting hit on the nose.
Reply:my dog was like that to. you can try scruffing him but if that doesn't work bite him back

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