Thursday, March 11, 2010

Growling puppy?-8 weeks old?

We have this 8 week old puppy, and she's a rat terrier, shih-tzu. She's a real sweet puppy most of the time, but it's just sometime's, she attacks you with these evil growls. And there not just your back off I'm busy growls, they're these biting, skin breaking teeth showing growls. Why does she do this?

Growling puppy?-8 weeks old?
She's showing aggressive tendencies. You'd better try to break this now. I have an aggressive dog and have to make him work for EVERYTHING. He has to be submissive and obedient to get affection. He has to be submissive and obedient to be fed. He has to be submissive and obedient to get water. I NEVER let him enter a room in front of me. You have to pay attention to EVERYTHING or it can get out of hand. When he comes and puts his head on my knee, I have to consider that he is "demanding" attention and ignore him until it is clear that I am the one in control. No rough play. No tug. Nothing than can encourage aggressiveness.

If you don't gain control, you can end up with a dog who is going to cause you major problems. It's much easier to deal with it now than later.
Reply:Awww so cute, he is just be protective..

Of what? Ihave no clue BUT Just tap his behind is he does that.

If he bites you before he gets there try grabing his mouth shut and taping his behind.
Reply:Maybe you should get rid of dog instead of putting in 30-50 for obedience school.

good luck.
Reply:shes found her yorkie pups did this when they were little
Reply:Growling is a warning. It's a dog's way of letting you know he doesn't like what's happening and if it doesn't stop, he's going to bite. Growling is usually induced by fear and can be provoked by anything; for example, a stranger approaching, a child running toward a dog, another dog getting too close, a hand raised as if to hit, a scary stranger getting too close to a loved one, or someone getting to close to a dog's food. The things that provoke growling depend on the dog's history and past experiences. In some cases, growling is unacceptable, especially if the dog is growling at a child. By exposing a puppy to new people and situations (socializing) while he's young, inappropriate growling can usually be prevented. SOLUTIONS: If your dog growls at strangers, conditioning may help. If you're expecting guests, meet them outside and give them treats for your dog. Your dog should soon start to associate strangers coming into the house with yummie treats, and he should start to warm up to strangers in no time. Please use caution - if you have an aggressive dog, don't put people in harm's way! See your vet for information on helping your dog become comfortable in uncertain situations if you have a dog that growls.

Dogs will growl when playing simply as a way of communicating. If your dog is happy-and-wagging while growling at a toy or wrestling with a doggie friend, that's just their way of having fun
Reply:well shes probably playing! she doesnt know any better! but when it gets bigger it can be a problem! i suggest when its bites pop it on the nose (not hard, just to get its attention!), and point and firmly say NO! every time!, or it wont work if you do it every once in a while! dont worry it wont hurt the pup! and its not abusing it! DONT HIT IT!
Reply:because she probably isn't use to you
Reply:Puppies should never attack. If she is going after you in the manner that you describe you could have a developing problem on your hands.

Find a reputable training school and see if she qualifies for puppy kindergarten. There are some guidelines that you should be setting up for this pup as soon as possible. 10 weeks is usually the starting age for P.K. but the trainer may opt to take her into the class sooner.


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