Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pit Bull puppy's health emergancy PLEASE?

Ok a friend of mine has a 7 week old pit bull puppy they have papers for the puppy. There are a few conditions that this dog has that I am worried about one of its top teeth are growing into its bottom lip. Her dad says that its normal but I have never seen a pit pup like that. Also he has little pimmple like bumps all over his body. They are kind of yellow and look infected. But they are not poping on their own. The dog does have worms. Its not eating dry food though and when you pull the skin on its neck it does not go back to place like it should. It also wont drink water at all. They have been giing it cows milk and he just wont eat food. Not even canned wet food. His stomach seems to hurt him when you touch it like there is somthing wrong inside. They cant get it to the vet. What do you think is wrong and is any of this normal?

Pit Bull puppy's health emergancy PLEASE?
This pup has to get to a vet NOW! The skin around the neck not going back to normal when pulled is a sign of dehydration. The lack of desire to eat or drink are possible signs of parvo and the skin bumps are possibly puppy mange. The tooth is probably a genetic defect, but not in any way normal and an infection risk.

Cows milk causes either diahrea or constipation and causes a further risk of dehydration.

My brother in law is a Pit Bull breeder and I have owned Pits for 12 years. These things aren't normal in any puppy and can't be treated at home.

If the puppy doesn't get to a vet it is going to die a painful death.

If you can't afford to help this puppy financially, then your next best option is to call in an anonymous tip to your local ASPCA, Humane Society or animal control to have the pup removed from the home. At this point the pup may not live anyway and as sad as it is euthanasia is still better than dying the way this puppy is. You obviously have a good heart. If this girl really is your friend she'll get over being mad if she finds out it was you who called.

If the breeder didn't offer a health guarantee I have to question what kind of breeder this is. (They should be turned into animal control)
Reply:NONE of this is normal, and if they don't get it to an emergency vet clinic, the puppy may die! Cow's milk? How about milk replacement powder that they can find at the pet store? This poor pup goes from a despicable negligent breeder to a negligent owner! It's a disgrace! If they won't take it to the vet then YOU should otherwise the pup could die! The poor little baby was too young to leave the mother in the first place!
Reply:This puppy is seriously ill and very obviously dehydrated! He needs a vet immediately, What do you mean by 'they can't get it to a vet'? Of course they can, and MUST. If they do not have the money then they should not have him. For the dogs' sake they should sign him over to the SPCA or whichever society they have, otherwise he is going to suffer a painful death!
Reply:I don't want to be the bearer of bad news...but something sounds fatally wrong with the puppy! You NEED to get him the pet emergency ASAP. That's the only way that you'll be able to know for sure what's wrong with him. And no, the teet growing into the lip, is NOT normal!
Reply:None of what you said is normal for a Pit. That dog needs to be taken to a vet right away. I wouldn't be giving the dog cow's milk either.
Reply:this sounds rather serious you need to take the puppy to a vet immediatly there is no excuse for not taking him to the vets if you cant afford to take the pup to the vets then you shouldnt have a dog in the first place as it is unfair on him
Reply:something is seriously wrong call the vet the dog could die
Reply:none of it's normal. cows milk is bad for puppies for one. they can't digest it. the skin sounds infected, the dog sounds sick and dehydrated. so what if they have papers on it? they either need to get this pup to a vet or find someone who can take care of this pup properly. at this point they are verging on animal cruelty and if they don't do anything fast they need to be turned in before this puppy dies.
Reply:none of this is normal. i dont care what it takes... you get that dog to the vet. like NOW... for an emergency visit. depending on how long this has been going on for and the severity of it, he MIGHT make it til tomorrow if youre lucky.

also... was the dog like this when you got it?? because if so then you need to have a serious talking to with that breeder so they can get in touch with the other people they sold puppies to and warn them.
Reply:The vet told me, that if a dogs skin does not automatically go back the dog is dehydrated, and you said that the puppy also isn't drinking any water, You need to try as much as you can to give it water, to much cow milk can be a bad thing, they can get Daria. i hope this helps a little bit and i hope the puppy gets better.
Reply:this puppy needs to go to the vet. asap. the top teeth coming over the bottom lip is called over shot it is genetic not much you can do but not normal. wouldn't even guess about the bumps on body vet. needs to see pup. when the skin will not return on neck he is dehydrated and again see vet. dogs cannot tolerate cows milk (goats milk yes) but is not eating. go to vet. sorry to say he is very sick maybe Parvo he will die if not treated. hope it is not to late. good luck
Reply:call animal control in your city for animal cruelty if the little pup is suffering the man is letting the dog suffer and that is a misdemeaner. he could be fined and go to jail for not taking care of the puppy
Reply:Oh ****. is h slobbering alot?, throwing up, dieharrea , then they better have money
Reply:this really proves my thoughts on pit bull owners


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