i have just bought a new puppy costing £600 and my staffy is always showing her teeth ang going for her they can not be together or she will have the poor little thing... i have had the staffy for a while shes 5yrs and very loving and protective of me and my girlfreind... the puppy is a girl bull terrier... i am pulling my hair out what can i do plz plz plz help me
My dog dosnt like my new puppy what can i do?
we had this problem a few times just bide your time. Don't leave the puppy alone with the staffy yet do it gradually. My former enemies are now best mates
Reply:I just recently got a puppy too and for the first week or two my older dog did the same thing. He is showing her his territory. You have to let the older dog know that it is not acceptable for him to do that and also at the same time show him lots of affection. He feel threatened. Now my puppy and older dog run and play outside and I have had the puppy for 4 weeks now so it will get better.
Reply:Just don't leave them alone for awhile. It will get better with time.
Reply:the answer is simple ..you have put one ***** with another ..we had a female jack Russell.. and when we got a ***** pit bull ..who was as friendly as any dog could be ..the jack Russell never accepted her ..ever ..fraid you may have to change the pup
Reply:what you have to do is show both of the dogs love and don't leave the first dog out there is jealously because the first dog was the only one and now its two of them
Reply:this is a common problem with dogs entering another dogs territory. Make sure you are spending a lot of time with the older dog. Play a lot, the dog has a trespasser on its turf and you are showing that trespasser kindness. A lot of jealously comes into play here.
Make sure you set their feeding bowls on opposite sides of the room. Keep an eye at feeding times as this is when the older dog will feel most threatened.
Take an old towel and give the new dog a bath. Use the old towel to that you dried her with on the bottom of furniture around your house to propagate her scent.
Lastly, if you walk them together, for now, keep the new puppy on a shorter leash, let the older dog lead the way showing it is still in charge and needs to proctect the puppy. In a few weeks everything will be great.
Reply:you have to give it time the staffy is just letting the puppy know who is boss the puppy will bite the staff and if its a bit hard the staff is letting the puppy know. the parents would do the same we have a collie cross and have just got a staff puppy when the puppy goes for the collies throat the collie sounds really nasty but its just a show to let the puppy know not to do it again. ps our collie is treated like a baby and thinks he own-es the place
Reply:See links for tips from professionals...it's not going to be easy (and may never work out - that's the reality, don't ignore it). Best of luck!
Reply:As far as aggressive behavior between your pets, you must be the one in control. Be sure not to ignore your other pets %26amp; include them in your activities with new pup. When your dog attacks, even in play you must correct. Use a leash %26amp; training collar, as soon as your dog lead to this behavior take leash give a tug %26amp; correct firm, confidant %26amp; calmly. Neutral grounds are best to socialize new pets with your others. Indoors is your other dogs territory so it makes it a bit harder. Walk the dogs together frequently, this is a positive action %26amp; they will accept eachother quicker. There will be scuffles, dogs are pack oriented %26amp; the new pup must have a place. You should always be alfa, but let them work out omega. Do not allow actual fights, but they must be allowed to communicate. Be sure to keep them seperated when you are not around or not able to be involved with their actions. Good luck %26amp; possibly contact a trainer, couldn't hurt. :O)
Reply:Shoot the dog!!!
na Sometimes after time they get used to each other and sometimes they dont! When I lived with mum she had a German Shepard and I bought my sis a pup jack russel and myself a pup Doberman, well the Shepard after a few weeks got along with the Jack Russel but The Dobbie he still hates her you can see it in his face belive it or not.
So you will have to just give it a while and see what happens. Good luck!
Reply:Two girls is not a good situation, and I know my female Staffie isn't keen on other females. Your dog may come round eventually but at the moment as far as she's concerned the other dog is on her territory. Never give the pup more attention than your older dog, that will just put her nose right out of joint. I know from experience that Staffies can be very jealous! Try playing with them together to take away any tension from the older dog and encourage them to interact. Don't give up just yet, they could eventually be the best of friends. Just remember puppies have really sharp teeth and your older dog won't appreciate them!
When the pup is old enough have her spayed to avoid any aggression when she comes into heat.
Reply:the dog might not like the puppy because the dog is used to it being its own territory but just keep a close eye on them when there together and could get the puppy a cage (if it doesnt have one) so it has a place to feel safe
Reply:Of the combinations you can have, they say a male and a female get along the best, followed by 2 males, and 2 females together is meant to be the worst combo!
Spend plenty of time with both dogs, and, if anything, show the older one slightly more attention than the pup so that she learns that she is not being replaced and is still top dog. Over time, she may grow to accept the pup. However, some staffs are known for being dog aggressive and territorial anyway and therefore, she may never take to your new pup. I hope she does though, Bull terriers are so cute :0)
Reply:Hi Richard c, I am having a similar problem to you... my 3yr old cavalier is the the opposite, it's him I am having to protect from the new puppy, I wish he would put the puppy in place, but he don't, so I just keep introducing them to each other when the pup is tired and is not to full on and trying to chase him and nip him, he does bark at the pup but then runs away, I wish he would show her who's boss, I have had a word with a trainer and she is going to come to my home to help me sort it, she's told me not to worry to much...they will hopefully get to love each other.... best of luck with your two, I'm sure with a little time they will be best of friends
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