so i think im getting my puppy next week..and he will be seven weeks old. is this too early? i know your suppose to wait until 8-10 weeks..but the breeder said she will give him to us when he has all of his teeth and it eating properly on his own. I know the puppy needs to socialize with the puppies..but i already have two dogs at home as well.
thanks for your help :)
Puppy at seven weeks?
In my opinion, it's still a little too early. Ask the breeder if your pup can stay another week.
Reply:I haven't heard of a dog going home before 8 weeks. YOu might want to leave him there a little longer just to be on the safe side. Have fun with your puppy!
Reply:Congratulations! I was in a similar situation last year. I got a new puppy who was only about 7 weeks old. He was totally weaned and eating hard puppy food. We also have 2 other dogs (as well as 3 cats) at home. So, he did great! He slept the first few nights by himself and then slept in bed with me and the other dogs. We've had him for over a year now, and he is just the greatest dog.
From my experience, I don't think you will have "social" issues and if he is eating hard puppy food, he should be just fine.
Best of luck!
Reply:I got my puppy this past weekend, and they day after I brought him home, he turned 7 weeks old. He seems to be doing fine, adjusting well, eatting well. It was also recommended to me, to wait until he was 8 or 9 weeks at the earliest..since the mother teaches them things, like learning not to nip and bite..which unfortunately he DOES. Maybe he would do it less if he had stayed another week or two..but I personally think that 7 weeks, for us, works just fine.
Reply:I know some breeders that are comfortable letting the dogs go at seven weeks. It sounds like the breeder is basing it on the right assessment. Make sure you socialize her with other dogs and people besides your own. It makes them better dogs.
Reply:i sell all of my puppys at 6 wks. they are weaned and eat food by themselvesa nd i've never had a problem.
Reply:Yes it's to early to take him away from his littermates. This is a critical time for him to learn how to behave with others. If you take him away to early it may affect him for the rest of his life. Please wait until he is atleast 8 weeks old and even a little bit more then that if possible. I know your excited about getting the puppy but try to do whats right for him. The best pet parents look at the best interest for their pets. Good luck
Reply:it is fine to take him home if he has teeth and is weaned
Reply:well, if you know your puppy will get along with your dogs %26amp; he is eating fine, then bring him home! He is young enough to where he would immediately accept your dogs as his family.!
Good luck!!!
Reply:The breeder is not being very responsible and I would ask that you really check into this person before you buy. Anyone who loves their dogs should know that 8 weeks is the minimum. I see what she's saying but why is she so eager to offload a pup at 7 weeks?
Reply:8 weeks would be better. I know the law in my state is 7 weeks, but most breeders don't let them go home before 8. I got mine at 8 weeks.
Reply:I have seen breeders, reputable ones, allow pups to go at 7 weeks, some don't until up to 12 weeks. Anything less than 7 weeks would be a bad idea, and my personal preference is for puppy to stay until 8-10 weeks if he/she can. They learn so much from mom and litter in this time, even tho they are weaned. I would be asking if the pup can stay at least one more week, as it's good for the pup.
Reply:no. bad idea.
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