we have a 4 month old puppy and she lost a tooth today is it to early for them to lose them.
Dog teeth falling out?
Dont worry - this is completely normal. Try putting her favorite chew toys in the freezer. They love the cold sensation on their swollen gums just like teething babies do. My dobermann loved her Kongs frozen with something tasty inside. Kept her occupied for ages and stopped her chewing valuable items.
Reply:I think it's OK, be prepared for some changes in your dog behaviour, especially some licking and mouthing.
Reply:No thats perfectly normal for her age.
Reply:This is normal, shes just losing her puppy teeth and getting her adult teeth, the same way humans do.
Reply:no that's ok it does start around that time depending on the breed
Reply:They loose their baby teeth between 4-6 months of age.
Reply:no it is fine.. dont worry..:) mine lost hers from 3 months and the last one finally fell out at 7 months...
Reply:no - me girl started to lose her "puppy teeth" a little before then. give her lots of chews as pups are just like babies in the repect of teething pains. We've always given lots of chew toys and brush our dogs teeth on a weekly basis. If you get them used to it at an early age you dont have a huge ordelle as they get older
Reply:Sounds normal to me , i'm sure my dog was that age when she lost hers
Reply:No, as long as it is natural. meaning not when the pup is playing tug a war or something that would make the tooth fall out.
Reply:She's teething! It's perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. Puppies lose their baby teeth, just like we lost our baby teeth, when we were babies, to make room for the permanent teeth to come in. Alot of times, they swallow the teeth, so you don't even know they are missing.
Reply:she is just loosing her puppy teeth. at about 1- 1 1/2 yrs. of age she will start to loose her back molders. you may find them on the floor. they look like tooth caps.
Reply:Perfect age. They cut their permanent middle incisors at 4 months, so the baby (deciduous) teeth are shed to make room for the permanent teeth. By 5 months all the permanent incisors are in. the permanent canines come in at 6 months, replacing those needle-sharp baby ones. the premolars and molars (cheek teeth) are all coming in during those 2 months also. By 6-7 months the pup should have a full mouth of teeth. Permanent teeth are heavier and not as pointy as baby teeth. Some dogs, usually the smaller breeds, don't shed their baby teeth like they should, and you might see two teeth, a strong big white permanent and a sharper, narrower baby tooth, occupying the same spot. The baby teeth MUST come out for the permanents to grow in straight and correctly. If the baby teeth don't all shed by 6 months, have them removed.
Your pup is still growing (and old enough to be spayed....) at six months so she still needs to chew on things for the growing jaw bones, help keep those teeth growing in straight. At 6 months a pup is about 60% of its total size. That's rule of thumb--doesn't hold for all dogs of any breed, but it's a good estimate.
Reply:puppies lose their teeth between 4-6 months so I wouldn't worry
Reply:no really my pup is 7months and lost her first tooth at 4months your lucky u found it most dogs swollow them
Reply:That is pretty early you should ask a vet.
Reply:sounds pretty early , bring it to the vet ,
it's better safe then sorry ,
good news is it's a pup so it'll grow back
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