Friday, October 23, 2009

Puppy issues?

2 Questions.....First my puppy has pretty much lost all her baby teeth now there is one next to her large fang tooth and it still hasnt come out and it doesnt seem like its going to come out anytime soo now I heard that we would have to get it pulled if it didnt fall out at some point and time is that true? And how long should we wait to do it? Second our puppy is well bahaved she comes when called and never barks unless something spookes her and all that stuff BUT BUT BUT when she is around another dog she doesnt listen for crap she too excited and doesnt want to listen. She does this with new people too its like her minds moving too fast because shes soo excited and she cant stop. My husband and I have tried a few different things but we dont know how to break her of it. We have tried to calm her before people come and all that but its no use is there a trick to breaking a puppy of this?

Puppy issues?
Don't worry about the tooth, just check to make sure another doesn't grow in behind or in front of it, in which case you'll have to get the old baby tooth pulled.

It's okay if she doesn't bark much. My dog hardly ever barked until he was older, maybe 10-11 months old. He still doesn't bark much.

Keep trying to get your dog to listen when she gets excited. It's kind of an advanced thing for a dog to learn how to behave herself when she has a lot of distractions. Keep trying and eventually you'll succeed.
Reply:Yes the teeth will need to be pulled, they are retained K-9's, you can get them pulled when you get her fixed and it will be super cheap. Get her fixed before she's six months old ( or her 1st heat cycle) and you will reduce her chance of mammory cancer by 80% as well. The other dog is still a puppy who needs some puppy classes. Call around to find a good one in your area, the younger you start the better it is.
Reply:yes pull it, just train it, yes nutter it
Reply:I know this is stating the obvious but give her something to hard to chew, like a bone and see if that helps. She may just need to work it a little more. If not I'd seek the vet's advice.

As for the visitor thing. That's puppies for you... if she gets so worked up you can't control her put her on a lead when people come over and make her sit, only let people acknowlege her when she is behaving and it will improve. You'll need to be patient because the crazy excitement will take years to out grow... taking her out more might help. If she is used to seeing strange people all the time she might not get so worked up.

Good luck...

city opera

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