Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Will my puppy ever loose his tooth?

his baby tooth is still there and the adult tooth is growing infront of it i know that he can get an infection but is there any thing i can do to make it come out other than go to the vet

he's 6 months old

and yesterday he lost two of his back teeth

Will my puppy ever loose his tooth?
You can wait a couple of weeks to see if it falls out on its own, but if not, you need to take him to the vet to get it pulled. It'll cause all kinds of problems if you leave it in his mouth when he's got his permanent teeth. Don't wait too long.
Reply:I would call the vet frist see what or if you should do any thing.

people have this all the time and its no promblem so your dog may be fine.
Reply:It may still come out on it's own.

If your puppy isn't neutered and if the tooth is still there when you have him neutered, you can have the vet pull the tooth while the pup is under anesthesia.
Reply:the baby tooth will falls off by itself. it also happened to my puppy. just wait.
Reply:You should consult your veterinarian and get his or her advice.

You don't want your puppy to be in pain if he has another tooth growing in so it is best to make a visit to the vet.

Good Luck.
Reply:I will take him to the vet..


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