Sunday, October 11, 2009

Do a puppies baby teeth fall out like a childs teeth would around a certain age?

Nope. They stay. They go through a process called "teething". Prepare to make things bite-proof.

Do a puppies baby teeth fall out like a childs teeth would around a certain age?
Yes, they start to fall out between 3-4 months of age, and should all be out by 6 months old. If not when you have your pet spayed/neutered at six months, the vet can take them out to make sure that they do. Because sometimes, expecially with smaller breeds they tend to retain baby teeth, and it tends to cause problems when they are older because of the crowding in the mouth.
Reply:Yes, puppies have "baby teeth" just like human children. Sometimes the baby teeth don't fall out as they should and the permanent teeth grow right in next to them crowding the dog's mouth. (These are called "deciduous teeth".) If they don't fall out normally, the deciduous teeth can be extracted (under anesthesia) by your vet.
Reply:Yes, the "milk teeth" (those super-sharp puppy teeth) do fall out, and are replaced by the adult teeth. It happens between about 4 months and 7 months of age, so expect LOTS of chewing during that time!
Reply:Puppies teeth start to fall out at about 4 months of age. The first teeth to go are the little front teeth upper and lower than the long canines (fangs) and finally the molars. It is advised to have plenty of chew toys for the puppy to help him get rid of his baby teeth. The pup will chew on anything he can get his mouth on including your best shoes, furniture and your person so give him plenty of exciting things to keep him interested and away from your things.
Reply:10 years old
Reply:no earlyer then childeren they should have lost all there teeth by 11/2
Reply:Yes, they do fall out. I have found them on the floor sometimes. Usually they swallow them.
Reply:yes. About 3-4 months old the deciduous(puppy teeth) fall out
Reply:I have had Mini Schnauzers and both of them lost baby teeth at about 4-5 months of age. They just fell out like kids do.
Reply:yes. you'll see them here and there throughout the area the pup's in. to help them through this process, give them toys designed for teething pups (like the Kong for teething puppies).


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