Sunday, October 11, 2009

My 6 months boxer mixed with a lab, is losing her teeth all of the sudden, is that normal?

yesterday i noticed my puppy's fang on the floor. Then today i noticed her top right inside of her mouth was kind of bloody, then i didnt really see a tooth ther, so im guessing she lost that tooth or molar. Then it came to my attention that her left side upper molar was very very lose to the point where i could pick it out out her im wondering is that normal?? i mean do puppies lose their teeth like human do? and will they grow back? please i would really appreciate it if you can help me...shes my 1st puppy and i dont know what to do or to expect. Thank you so much for your time.

God bless you

My 6 months boxer mixed with a lab, is losing her teeth all of the sudden, is that normal?
puppies do lose their teeth. usually at 4 months old. the adult teeth usually grow in and push the baby teeth out...sometimes the baby canine teeth (fangs) stay in too, and there will be an adult tooth and a baby tooth next to it. most of the time you don't even notice cuz they swallow the teeth. i wouldn't get too worried at this point...keep an eye on the teeth for a few weeks. if new fangs don't grow in, go to the vet. hope this was helpful.
Reply:ok this is SO random and hopefully you see this, but you answered a question where you said you didn't want other people to know how you look cuz there are stalkers out there seriously a way to find out, cuz i'm questioning taking my picture off lol Report It

Reply:Your puppy is losing her baby teeth. Her adult teeth will grow.
Reply:yah, they're just like humans. around that age, a puppy's baby teeth will fall out and a new set will grow. it's a bit unusual for them all to fall out at once or within a few days, but it's fine. if she whines and chews her toys, that is why. good luck! she's fine.
Reply:My dog lost his teeth when he was a puppy too. I don't remember him losing them as fast as yours, but they get new ones that are bigger - just like we do. If there is alot of blood or she seems to be in pain, I would talk to a vet.
Reply:She's just losing her puppy teeth..Be sure to soften her kibble until her new teeth are all in..
Reply:Congratulations, you are the tooth fairy!

Your baby is indeed losing her baby teeth and she will get a whole new adult set.

Nothing to worry about.

If she is missing a lot of the back teeth, soften her food by adding some water for about 4 minutes before feeding her.
Reply:YES, puppies have baby teeth they need to loose, you might see her at times digging at her mouth with her paws or rubbing her mouth on the floor.

Don't be alarmed, it's normal.
Reply:Yes,all puppies lose their baby teeth and then they get new ones.Now is the time to have her spayed as well.Good luck with your pup.
Reply:did u consult ur vet ?
Reply:Perfectly normal for puppies to lose baby teeth, just like humans do. Nothing to worry about at all! Soon she'll have a full set of adult teeth!
Reply:she could be teething and they will fall out yes they will grow back and she will have her adult teeth
Reply:She is loosing her baby teeth and the adult ones will come in if they aren't already on the way. Check her gums with your fingertip and see if you can feel the new tooth just under the gum line. Don't worry, she will be fine.

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