Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Do puppies lose their K9 teeth (fangs)?

Puppies have 28 deciduous , or baby teeth, and loose them all, just as children do. . I managed to find have four of my pup's baby teeth. Most of them get swallowed , and is perfectly normal. The dog won't be hurt by swallowing any of them.

Adult dogs have 42 teeth

Do puppies lose their K9 teeth (fangs)?
i know puppies teeth and lose some teeth but not sure which ones. they sell those teething keys like they do for babies but at and other stores and my puppies love them and same with nylabones, if you have a pup going through teething give it lots of chew stuff
Reply:Yes, and sometimes they bleed.
Reply:Yes....they are supposed to. They lose all of their baby teeth (starting with the incisors at about 3 months of age.)

The deciduous canines are usually pushed out by the permanent canines around 5 and 1/2 to 6 months of age (the permanent ones should be fully in and the deciduous ones gone by 6 months.)

Occasionally (frequently in small breeds), the deciduous canines fail to come out, however. That displaces the permanent ones as they come in, making a 'double' set. The upper perm. K9's come in in front of the deciduous when they fail to shed, they stay in place behind the permanent ones, causing those to come in too forward. The decid. K9 is the one behind the perm.K9.

The lower deciduous K9s push the permanent ones to the inside, which can cause even more of a problem...because that can cause the permanent ones to hit the upper palate when the dog tries to close its mouth. (Even to the point of poking holes....OUCH!) When both decid. and perm. K9s are present on the bottom, they are side-by-side, with the deciduous on the outside.

It is for this reason that they need to be extracted if they don't come out on their own.

Photo of what we refer to as a 'pirhana' (lol) here:
Reply:Yes, most puppies will lose thier baby teeth after 6 months or so. It's not as noticable as when kids lose a tooth, because thier new teeth grow in quite fast, but they do lose them. The nice thing about it is that when the adult teeth grow in, they are less sharp as the baby teeth.
Reply:Yes, just like humans, and the new ones grow in. If you are lucky, you can try to find them. I have 3 of 4 from my dog.
Reply:Actually, yes - but this is like those "do pigeons live forever - I've never seen a dead one" questions. There's a trick. The puppy usually swallows the tooth (which causes no problems), so you don't see it. Teething for a dog may be even worse than for a human baby - itches and hurts like mad - which is why they chew like fanatics. While they're chewing, the baby teeth come out and are swallowed.

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