Sunday, October 11, 2009

How Often Do Dogs Lose Their Teeth?

My 5 month old puppy lost three teeth this week. Is it normal?

How Often Do Dogs Lose Their Teeth?
ya its normal dogs are like people who still loose there baby teeth so until all of them fall out he'll keep loosing them.Don't Worry!!!
Reply:They have baby teeth and adult teeth like humans do. This is very normal, and will start loosing teeth when they get old.
Reply:yes very much so. and when he's older than dirt, he'll lose em again.....8)
Reply:Dogs only loose their baby teeth. They should be done with that by age six and a half months. They usually start to loose them at age 3 months.
Reply:Yes, perfectly. Your pup is getting his/her permanents.

This link will give you more info on teeth.
Reply:my chihuahua had to have 4 baby teeth pulled. adult teeth grew in and babies didn't fall out. keep an eye on that.
Reply:Thats really interesting that youve actually found them!

It is normal, the puppies normally lose these teeth by means of food and can some times be swallowed, which is alright, its nothing dangerous because the teeth are so small.

Puppies normally have about 28 temporary teeth, which they will lose by 8 months of age.

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