Sunday, March 14, 2010

Some puppy help please??

My puppy is 13 weeks old I think she is teething cause she chews on everything like the legs of my furnature!!! How do i get her to stop??? she has LOTS of chew toys but she prefers my table and my couch I want this teething thing to be easy on her but I dont wanna buy new furnature! Could she be teething at this age ( she is a heeler)? and I feel like the rubber chew toys she has are too hard for her teeth she has others that are not rubber but I just worry that the rubber ones hurt her is that possible? But my most important question is how do I stop it? (I tap her on the nose and tell her NO when I catch her but when I dont see her or am in another room she will do it)

Some puppy help please??
When you see your puppy chewing on your furniture (or any other things she shouldn't be chewing on), give her a firm "No." Then hand her one of her toys and when she starts chewing on that, praise her and give her a treat. Also, as difficult as it is, you really can't let a puppy that age out of your site. Something else to keep in mind - if you give your puppy an old sock or a shoe, she may develop bad habits (for example, she may think ALL socks and shoes are her toys). So stick to durable, puppy toys. And don't worry - her teeth are a lot stronger than you might think. As long as you buy a toy for her age/size, it shouldn't hurt her teeth one bit.

As far as the crate, NEVER send her to her crate as a form of punishment. You need to gradually introduce her to it, by inticing her inside with treats. Lay some inside without her seeing you do it, and when she goes in on her own, quietly shut the door and praise her. Leave her in for just a few minutes. Repeat this process every day, gradually increasing the time you leave her in the crate. If you punish her by sending her to the crate, she'll have bad associations with it, making it very difficult to get her to enter it on her own.

Good luck.
Reply:try buying a cage, i had to do this , i introduced my puppy to it the day we got her, if she is happy put her in for a few minutes, when she is naughty pop her in again, dont always put her in just when she is naughty though as she will hate going in ..i kept her in it at night until the chewing stopped , now she sleeps on her bed in my room , and i can go outnot having to worry. she will stop eventually
Reply:Buy this stuff called "Bitter Apple" it is a spray. Spray it on your furniture where she is chewing. They don't like the taste and it should put a stop to it. Have you bought her a dental rope? My puppy loved to chew on that; it's soft and durable.

Also when you catch her chewing on stuff say "No" and give her one of her toys to play with. That way she can determine what she can and cannot chew on.
Reply:Oh, those canine chompers! They'll be the death of pet owners, yet. It's amazing how much destruction those tiny teeth have wrought. No. 1 rule for discouraging chewing: Provide lots of super fun chew toys. Make sure they are toys your pup likes. If it doesn't like plush toys, offer a rope toy or nylon bone. If that doesn't work, get serious with a peanut butter-filled Kong, knucklebone or pig hoof. When you catch pup gnawing on no-chew items, simply remove the item with a firm, calm "no," then offer one of pup's chew toys with a "good dog" when it accepts it. Visit for other really good tips on stopping chewing
Reply:dont tap her nose, she will just think you are trying to play. loud noises are a better deterrent. The best way to stop chewing is to redirect their focus on something else. If she is teething, the rubber probably hurts those puppy teeth so you might want to try something softer for her. There are puppy safe flavored bones out there. Go to the pet stores, NOT WAL-MART. Its has to be something mild enough for her to digest.
Reply:You are doing the right thing you could use a rolled up news paper and tap her with that. You have to watch her every time she is around the furnish er don't leave her alone around the furnish er.Good Luck
Reply:Oh.....yes.... I do know what you are talking about. 14 years ago I had the same problem with our Golden. I became desperate and asked the advise of many dog breeders. They all had different ideas for me. But what worked was liquid gold furniture polish on the wood furniture. Big chunks of ice for outdoors to chew on and ice cubes for indoors. Just like babies , the cold numbs the gums.

For my ankles and hands .... every time a little tooth hit me I cried out like a puppy that was hurt. Do this only at the time that she hurts or almost hurt you, because they sure can catch on when your just playing around. If you aren't convincing they won't take it serious that they hurt you and come back even harder.

I hope this helps, good luck.
Reply:Ok there's this stuff you can buy called Bitter Apple. It's a spray that doesn't harm your dog in any way, just tastes bad enough for them to stop biting things. What you do is buy some, spray it on the unacceptable chewing spots she loves to chew on the most, and hopefully she stops! the same thing happened to my puppy when she was little and Bitter Apple really helped! you can buy it at your vet's office probably. Good Luck!


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