Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pit bull puppy biting?

I have a pit puppy,male. He is biting people hard,and tried dragging me with his teeth.I tried lots of things but it doesnt help.Any help?

Pit bull puppy biting?
My little pit pup did this too. Tap him on the nose, hold his muzzle and make eye contact with him and tell him firmly "no with the mouth". Praise him when he let's you pet him on top of the head without raising his mouth to bite. If you need to be a little firmer, you can grab the inside of his mouth with your fingers on top of his muzzle and your thumb pressing on the roof of his mouth (but not too hard) instead of tapping his nose.

Give him plenty of chew toys and make sure he stops using people instead. Somene can sue you later, even if he's not trying to hurt them (one of the risks that comes with owning a pit, unfortunately). It may be a good idea to restrict contact with people, just until he learns not to bite. Then having visitors will be more of a reward to him. Make sure to socialize him well after that so he won't be afraid of people or aggressive.
Reply:All puppies go through the mouthing phase. How old is he? They usually outgrow it, but try telling him "NO!" followed by praise and a treat. It usually helps to distract them and always use positive reinforcements.
Reply:Also consider talking to a professional trainer who knows pit bulls. They need to understand that biting people is NOT permitted, puppy or no.

And he needs to understand this NOW.

Also, make sure he's neutered - that will help.
Reply:Puppies rarely ' grow out of ' biting and mouthing hands. If you allow it, or encourage it, never correct them for biting.. it will continue.. Rarely do dogs grow out of bad behaviours, you must teach them not to do things.. Using their mouth is natural, why would something natural be something they grew out of ??

What have you tried?? Have you give him something else to chew when he is mouthing you?

Have you held his muzzle in your hand and looked him in the eye and told him NO.

Have you told him NO and got up and left the room so that he learns that you will not play with him when he acts that way?

Have you thought of obedience training???
Reply:Ok this is going to sound mean but it truly works. I found this solution on a dog training site and I used it on my 5 month old german shepherd pup. He was always mouthing and biting me on my arm or hand so I checked out some training sites on the web. Here's what I did. Remember this does not hurt the dog in any way but it sure makes them uncomfortable. When your dog starts to mouth or bite you don't pull your hand away from his mouth but continue to put it into his mouth. The more of a gagging reflex action you get the better. He will think twice before he does it again. It only took me about four or five times of doing this with my pup and he stopped the biting. According to the training page I got this off of, the action of you keeping your hand inside his mouth shows him dominance and he doens't like it. Give it a try and don't worry, you won't hurt him. He'll look a little confused at first by the action, but he will soon get the idea that a hand in his mouth means he's going to be gagging for a bit. Good luck.
Reply:How old is your puppy if he under one then he cutting teeth

just like human baby they chew on something to cut the tooth

give him a bone or chew toy
Reply:So your puppy thinks you are his toy! You need to show him dominence do you do crate training?? How do you stop him from these things?
Reply:don't take this the wrong way but here's my advice....

(You're not going to like it but then life's tough.....)

My advice is ...take the dog to the vets and persuade the vet to take out his big needle, then have the vet put the beast of a dog put to sleep...permenantly....because before too long that dog of yours will tear a poor defenseless child to can stop this happening by destroying the monster now.....

Pit bull are born to kill anything that they can......they have a BAD temperament and can not be trusted.....

Ask yourself one thing...when that dog of yours grabs a two year old little girl and rips her throat out..then how will you feel?????? how will the dead child's mother feel????

And i know you're sat there reading this and saying to yourself..'my little doggies not like that....he wouldn't hurt a fly..'..That's all a load of trash...that's probably what the tsspot Kiel Simpson said just before his 'pit bull' ripped poor Ellie Lawrenson to shreds..????

Do the world a favour and kill the beast before it kills a child.
Reply:Remove arms, hands or whatever it be from him when he starts to bite. Tell him 'NO' and then give him something acceptable to chew on. If he bites you hard yell 'OUCH' this usually startles them and they will stop. He can't help chewing, all puppies do it - especially if they are teething.

There is a canvas toy called a 'CHilly'. You soak it in water and then freeze it. This gives him something nice to chew on and it makes his sore gums feel better.

Another good toy is a Kong.

If you are playing and he keeps biting you, tell him no - give him two chances and if he doesn't stop the third time send him to time out. Use a crate or leash him off away from the family. He should get the hint that if he keeps biting he gets sent away.

HOpe this helps...good luck!
Reply:every puppy i have ever owned i have done the same thing. when a puppy bites you need to smack them! not hard but firm enough for them to get the point. otherwise they will probably not associate you with being the dominate "top dog" all dogs when growing up try and establish their place in the pack (your family) if they think the can become the dominate one , then they will try. your puppy sounds like he is trying to be the top dog from what you described. so when he bites you (even puts his mouth on you in a playful manner) smack him and pin him down by his neck. (that is what any mother dog or dominate dog would do to let the puppy know that "hey, your just a puppy, im the dominate one!") you dont have to be cruel or hurtful doing it, just FIRM!
Reply:Train them to kill early, that's the way girl. then when it is older it can become one more statistic


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